Hoosier Auditions


The Hoosier Auditions is an exciting statewide event in which your students are able to perform in a competitive setting in one or more of the following instrumental categories: Strings, Winds, Piano, Voice, and Piano Duet.

There are two rounds of the Hoosier Auditions – District and State. Students receive a written performance evaluation from expert judges in the field. Winners of the District round are invited to compete at the state round. Winners of the state round receive cash awards, plus an opportunity to perform at the annual IMTA State Conference.

Some students may want to participate in the Hoosier Auditions and receive comments from judges, but do not wish to compete. These students may declare themselves ineligible to win by checking the non-competitor box on the entry form.

For questions regarding Hoosier Auditions, please contact Daniel Lin, Hoosier Auditions Chair.


2024 State Round Results

The Indiana Music Teachers Association would like to congratulate the following students and teachers for their outstanding achievements at this year’s Hoosier Auditions State Competition.  Congratulations to all who have participated, and we will see you next year!

Piano Solo: Pre-Early Elementary
Winner: Nora Xia; Student of Karina Cohen
Alternate: Cynthia Chan; Student of Nadya Dubikovsky

Piano Solo: Early Elementary
Winner: Katherine Xia; Student of Karina Cohen
Alternate: Audrey Zhang; Student of Svetlana Soleimani
Honorable Mention: Clara Dantsin; Student of Caroline Ahn
Honorable Mention: Emily Sun; Student of Soo Ah Yang
Honorable Mention: Sheeyoon Seo; Student of Sylvia Eunhee Seok
Honorable Mention: Jessica Yang; Student of Sylvia Eunhee Seok
Honorable Mention: Melody Eugenie Luan; Student of Linda Belleville

Piano Solo: Elementary
Winner: Zoe Cha; Student of Robert Palmer
Alternate: Felicia Xie; Student of Karen Taylor
Honorable Mention: Mae O’Brien; Student of Patricia Collins Jones

Piano Solo: Middle
Winner: Audrey Zhang; Student of Svetlana Soleimani
Alternate: Francis L Huang; Student of Robert Palmer
Honorable Mention: Caroline Song; Student of Galit Gertsenzon
Honorable Mention: Santa Torii; Student of Karen Taylor

Piano Solo: Junior
Winner: Andrew Lee; Student of Robert Palmer
Alternate: Daniel Chen; Student of Svetlana Soleimani
Honorable Mention: Amelia Qiu; Student of Karen Taylor
Honorable Mention: Emily Wang; Student of Karen Taylor & Tony Weinstein

Piano Solo: Senior
Winner: Enge Huang; Student of Karen Taylor & Tony Weinstein
Alternate: Alexander Busch; Student of Marina Berretta Hammond
Honorable Mention: Ashley W Yang; Student of Nadia Dubikovsky
Honorable Mention: Vincent Hood; Student of Jonathan Young

Piano Solo: Collegiate
Winner: Arjun Siderys; Student of Robert Palmer
Alternate: Christian Urizar; Student of Hamilton Tescarollo

Piano Duet: Early Elementary
Winners: Joanna Chan & Cynthia Chan; Students of Nadya Dubikovsky
Alternates: Timothy Qiu & Maxwell Wu; Students of Sylvia Eunhee Seok

Piano Duet: Elementary
Winners: Elisabeth Kim & Sarah Son; Students of Hwa Pyeong Kim

Piano Duet: Senior
Winners: Ashley W Yang & Eric Jin; Students of Nadya Dubikovsky
Alternates: Christine Liu & Crystal Wang; Students of Lai Ping Jean Ho

Strings: Early Elementary
Winner: Vincent Qu; Student of Megan Moon
Alternate: Ava Lin; Student of Caroline Kim

Strings: Elementary
Winner: Abigail Kang; Student of Jameson Cooper
Alternate: Yeyoung Ahn; Student of Regan Eckstein
Honorable Mention: Sophie Qi; Student of Allison Edberg Nyquist

Strings: Middle
Winner: Ben Chen; Student of Caroline Kim
Alternate: Ray Li; Student of Caroline Kim

Strings: Junior
Winner: Sejune Kang; Student of Jameson Cooper
Alternate: Aria Bakhit; Student of Eric Edberg
Honorable Mention: Newnew Deng; Student of Caroline Kim
Honorable Mention: Hajean Jun; Student of Leslie Peltier

Strings: Senior
Winner: Joseph Yu; Student of Eric Edberg
Alternate: Marco Tindel; Student of Eric Edberg


District Round

“In addition to the valuable experience Hoosier Auditions has provided for my students, I — as a teacher — have enjoyed watching other participants’ skill/performance grow on a yearly basis…in particular, those students who have participated from elementary level through high school. Their sequence of repertoire throughout the years is a pedagogy lesson in itself…hence, a win-win for everyone!” ~ Liz Seidel

Audition dates and entry deadlines vary depending on the district. Find a district map and detailed information on the district rounds here.

State Round

Coordinator: Daniel Lin
Email: [email protected]
Address: Indiana Wesleyan University, Division of Music: 4201 S. Washington Street, Marion IN 46953
Audition Venue: Philippe Performing Arts Center, Indiana Wesleyan University
Audition Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Postmark Deadline: Wednesday, April 23, 2025


Fees are the same for both district and state rounds. Entry fees for piano duet are split between the duo. All fees are non-refundable.

Pre-Early Elementary $14
Early Elementary $14
Elementary $18
Middle $20
Junior $23
Senior $30
Collegiate $36

Teacher (Non-IMTA members only)
$75 (may enter any number of students. Fee will be collected at both the district and state rounds.)

Entry Forms

Hoosier Auditions – District Entry Form
Hoosier Auditions – State Entry Form


Hoosier Auditions provides an educational experience for students and teachers through opportunities to perform in a competitive (or non-competitive) setting, to hear other competitors perform, and to receive a written performance evaluation.

There are two rounds of the Hoosier Auditions – District and State. There are nine District Round sites across the state held in March or April. Please see the District Map to find your district.

Students must participate in the district in which their teacher resides. Any exceptions must be made in the form of a petition (email or letter) by the teacher on behalf of the student, clearly indicating the intent and reason(s) for the change. The State Chair will grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis.”

Contestants who have successfully scored 90% or above (designated as “State Finalists”) at the District Auditions will be eligible to compete at the State Competition. There is not a maximum, nor a minimum number of contestants that can be admitted to the state competition. Honorable Mentions may also be awarded to those who did not advance to State.

Requirements for the State Round are identical to those of the District Round. Contestants need not perform the same pieces they played in the District Round.

Performance Categories
Students may enter in one or more of the following instrumental categories: Piano, Voice, Strings, Winds, Classical Guitar, and Piano Duet.

Non-Competitive Option
Students have the option of participating at the District Round as a non-competitor, only to receive comments from the adjudicator. These students may declare themselves ineligible to win or place in the competition by checking the “non-competitive status” box on the entry form. Non-competing entrants pay the same fees and are subject to the same requirements as competing entrants.

Students of current IMTA members and non-members who reside in Indiana or within a 50-mile radius of the state borders are eligible to enter. Non-member teachers are required to pay a one-time fee of $75 each year which entitles the teacher to enter any number of students.

Accompanied Performances
Teachers may accompany their students at both the District and State Round. Recorded accompaniments are allowed at the District Round ONLY. Students are required to bring their own accompanist. Unaccompanied instrumental pieces may be performed in solo format.

Levels and Repertoire Requirements

  • Students enter a level based on their age as of March 1 of the same year of the competitions they are ending. Duet entries should enter based on the age of the oldest student.
  • Contestants are not limited to specific repertoire but do have time limits—see below. A list of repertoire performed within recent years is available from your District Chairperson.
  • At all levels other than the Collegiate level, memorization is required for piano and voice; it is optional for all other instrumentalists and piano duettists.
  • Pianists and piano duettists are not permitted to perform arrangements, simplifications of repertoire, concerti, or any other two-piano piece.
  • Cuts in the score are only permissible in accompaniments
  • Students must provide one copy of each audition piece for the judges. No names of persons, libraries, schools, etc., may be visible anywhere on the judge’s copy. It is not necessary to erase teaching marks. No photocopied music is to be given to the judge or used by an accompanist or soloist without showing written permission from the publisher. Soloists and accompanists may, without written permission, photocopy passages for use with the printed score to facilitate inconvenient page turns.
  • Page turners are permitted for duets. If needed, the teacher may fulfill this role.

NEW: Pre-Early Elementary (ages 5-6) competitive  Two or more contrasting pieces from different composers, not to exceed 4 minutes.
Pre-Early Elementary (ages 5-6) non-competitive Two or more contrasting pieces from different composers, not to exceed 4 minutes.
Early Elementary (ages 7-9) – Two or more contrasting pieces from different composers, not to exceed 5 minutes.
Elementary (ages 10-11) – Two or more contrasting pieces from different composers, not to exceed 6 minutes.
Middle (ages 12-13) – Two or more pieces by composers from two contrasting historical style periods, not to exceed 8 minutes.
Junior (ages 14-15) – Two or more pieces by composers from two contrasting historical style periods, not to exceed 10 minutes.
Senior (ages 16-18) – Two or more pieces by composers from two contrasting historical style periods, not to exceed 15 minutes.
Collegiate (undergraduate ages 18 and over) – Maximum audition time is 20 minutes.

Piano: pieces must represent three style periods. Memorization of all pieces required.
Voice: an Italian art song, a French or German art song, a 20th-century work in English; Minimum time requirement of 15 minutes; Memorization of all pieces required.
Strings: pieces must represent three style periods. Memorization of at least 1 piece required.
Winds: pieces must represent three style periods. Memorization of at least 1 piece required.
Classical Guitar: three pieces in contrasting styles. Memorization of all pieces required.
Piano Duet: pieces must represent three style periods. Memorization of at least 1 piece required.
*For historical style period verification, click here .

All contestants who have scored 90% or above will advance to the State Round.

Winners of the State Round will receive a cash award as listed, plus the opportunity to perform on a recital at the IMTA State Conference in the fall following Hoosier Auditions. Awards for piano duet are split between the duo. In the event that a winner is unable to perform at the winners’ recital, the alternate in that level will be invited to perform.

A student who wins the State Round at a particular level may not enter the following year at the same level in the same instrument category.

Early Elementary $35
Elementary $40
Middle $50
Junior $75
Senior $100
Collegiate $150